Cirrhosis of the liver

Cirrhosis of the liver
Some people may feel fatigue, fatigue, and yellowing of the skin, perhaps this indicates that you have cirrhosis of the liver, what are the symptoms and methods of diagnosis and treatment?
Liver cirrhosis is a common problem for many people, and it is difficult for some to diagnose it because symptoms do not appear clearly. What are these symptoms, and how can we avoid them?
Liver cirrhosis is one of the most important complications caused by various liver diseases that cause cell death or inflammation in its tissues.
There are many causes associated with cirrhosis, such as chemicals (alcohol, fats, some medications), viruses, toxic metals (iron and copper), and various immune diseases.
What are the symptoms of cirrhosis?
People with cirrhosis may have few or unspecified symptoms, including:
Yellowing of the skin due to the accumulation of bilirubin in the blood
Fatigue and weakness
Loss of appetite
Easy bruising on the skin due to the absence of clotting factors produced by the liver
Capillaries become visible on the skin in the upper abdomen
Itchy skin
Weight loss
Pain in the liver area.
In the event that you develop the following symptoms, it is best to see a doctor immediately:
Fever with trembling
Shortness of breath
Black stools
An acceleration of the heartbeat
Bleeding gums and nose
Loss of upper body mass in the arms and shoulders area
Hair loss
Losing sex drive
Memory problems
Blood in the vomit.
The doctor will examine you, your question about your medical history, and your lifestyle especially if you are addicted to alcohol.
Complications of cirrhosis
Cirrhosis can cause weakness, loss of appetite, yellowing of the skin and general fatigue, and may lead to serious complications, including:
Ascites (fluid buildup in the abdomen) or edema (fluid buildup in the legs): Both conditions can be treated with a low-salt diet, or undergoing surgery.
Portal hypertension: Any swelling in the large veins inside the esophagus and stomach, which causes another pressure on the portal vein that travels blood to the liver, thereby causing clots to occur.
Hepatic encephalopathy: In the event of cirrhosis in the liver, the filters inside it will not function properly, which causes a high level of toxins in the blood, and thus an encephalopathy.
Liver cirrhosis treatment
If liver cirrhosis is diagnosed early, the risks can be reduced by following the following treatment steps:
Treatment of alcoholism
In the event of certain infections, they are treated with antibiotics
Perform regular periodic checks and x-rays to ensure that you do not develop liver cancer
Some medications can help treat hepatic encephalopathy and high levels of toxins in the blood
Liver transplant
Consume a balanced diet of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body
Eliminate hepatitis B and C virus with antiviral drugs

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