Exercise prevents vision loss

Exercise prevents vision loss
A new study by the University of Virginia Medical School, found that regular exercise reduces the risk of visual impairment or loss by up to 45%.
The researchers said that the results of the study showed that exercise contributes to slowing or preventing the development of macular degeneration that causes vision loss.
During the study, a preliminary test was conducted comparing mice that were subjected to an exercise regimen, and another group of mice that were not subjected to exercise. They found that exercise mice were 45% less likely to have excess vascular growth that causes vision problems inside the eyes.
The Science Daily newspaper quoted Dr. Bradley Galvand, of the UVA Center for Advanced Vision Science, that many polls on the effect of exercise in strengthening vision, had shown results similar to the results of the new study.
Galvand pointed out that the onset of vision loss is often associated with a decrease in the rate of exercise, and stressed the need for further studies in this regard to reach final results, according to the Indian Express Online.

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