Foods that fight breast cancer

Foods that fight breast cancer
Are there foods that help prevent breast cancer? Here is a list of 9 foods that can be thought of as superhero food in the war on cancer.
It is known that cancer is not caused by one factor, but rather due to a combination of effects, such as: genetics, environment, nutrition, physical activity, weight and tension. Since we can do nothing about the genes we inherited or the toxins we have been exposed to, we can control our lifestyle.
In recent research, it is clear that hereditary tendency accounts for only 10% of causes of breast cancer. On the other hand, nutrition makes up 30-40% of these factors. It was also found that managing a healthy lifestyle may reduce the risk of developing breast cancer by approximately 38%. Learn about foods that are effective "protections" against breast cancer.
Tomatoes / tomatoes
Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which is the red pigment that is used as a powerful antioxidant that protects cellular structures and DNA (DNA) from the effects of free radicals harmful to healthy cells and can help cancer cells to grow. Lycopene has been known to slow the growth of breast cancer cells.
the Garlic
Garlic is a combat food for many forms of cancer. A French study found that women who consumed garlic regularly had a reduced risk of developing breast cancer. As with garlic, onions also have anti-cancer properties thanks to the effectiveness of the anti-oxidant kvartetsin, which is also associated with reducing cancer risk.
Green tea
The main ingredient in green tea is EGCG polyphenols which is responsible for 40% of the antioxidant content in tea. Numerous studies have shown that this component not only reduces the risk of cancer, but also can slow the spread of cancer cells, including breast cancer cells. Also, the mechanism of EGCG polyphenols appears to disturb the signaling pathways in the body, which affects the activities of enzymes involved in the transition from a healthy cell to a cancerous cell, which actually prevents the spread of cancer.
Broccoli and broccoli sprouts
Vegetables, especially broccoli, are a powerful reservoir in anti-cancer activity. Thanks to compounds called sulforaphen that help the body fight the spread of tumors. A recent study found that the main reason for this is that sulforaphen may inhibit the action of an enzyme called HDAC that suppresses the body's ability to fight a tumor. In this regard, broccoli sprouts are considered stronger "defense". Because in the 3-day-old roots there are 20 to 50 times the sulforaphene compared to the adult broccoli.
The active ingredient in turmeric, curcumin, is known as a mediator for the treatment of a wide range of medical problems: it strengthens the immune system, suppresses and prevents Alzheimer's disease, prevents cell death, strengthens cell membranes of the body, it is also an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, aids diabetics, helps in the work of Digestive system, reduces the risk of stroke, heart disease, and most importantly - is a loyal ally in the fight against cancer. It prevents its spread and balances the sick condition. Curcumin slows the spread of cancer cells by opposing the process of replication, and also enhances the protection of cell membranes and plays an important role in preventing a molecule called RANKL present in the most violent and deadliest cells of the cancerous tumor in the breast.
The walnut is saturated with alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid that is essential for the biological action of the body. Since the body cannot produce it, it must consume it from various food sources. Fatty acids play an important role in building and making brain cells function properly. Studies in mice have found that incorporating nuts into the menu may reduce the risk of developing breast cancer by 50%.
Cranberry contains powerful antioxidants, especially anthocyanins and ellagic acid have been demonstrated as cell culture studies, as they have the ability to reduce free radical damage to healthy cells, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research. Another study found that berries slow the growth of cancer and reduce the average life of breast cancer (as well as oral, colon and prostate). It was also found that cranberry and jungle fruit in general, may be beneficial to cancer patients during chemotherapy. The antioxidants it contains may reduce the ability of cancer cells to withstand the listed venom during treatment.
Pomegranate is known for its anti-cancer properties thanks to the abundance of anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory ingredients found in it. These ingredients may be of multiple benefit in combating breast cancer. Studies have found that (ellagic acid) in pomegranate interferes with the production of the enzyme harromtase, which increases the production of hormones in the breast tissue. This intervention is necessary because breast cancer relates to and feeds on hormones (such as estrogen) to grow and spread.
Most studies related to the anti-cancer properties of flax were conducted in mice or by transplanting cells into test tubes, however the results indicate a clear trend: intestinal bacteria transforming lignanum (a type of polyphenol present in flaxseed) Lantrolkon and Antrodiaol, two important substances Which has been found in laboratory studies to help prevent cancer, especially breast cancer. According to laboratory studies, lignanium slows down the "viscosity" of breast cancer cells, causing it to expand at a slower rate.
Breast cancer is to this day the most common cancer in the world and the leading cause of death among women between the ages of 55-35, but early detection of the disease may lead to almost complete recovery. ABUS is an advanced ultrasound machine, and is the latest in breast cancer control. The device is non-invasive, not painful and allows deep and thorough scanning, and is able to find tumors in their most initial stages, which greatly increases the chances of recovery.


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