Immunosuppressants of corona reduced after 3 months of infection

Immunosuppressants of corona reduced after 3 months of infection
According to a Chinese study, the levels of antibody in patients recovered from Covid-19 decreased sharply during two to three months of infection, whether or not they showed symptoms, which raises doubts about the immune period from the disease caused by corona infection.
The research, published in the journal Nature Medicine on June 18, highlights the dangers of using so-called “immunity passports” from Covid-19, and supports following public health recommendations such as social divergence and isolation of groups most at risk.
Health authorities in some countries, such as Germany, are looking at the ethical dimension and the possibility of allowing those whose antibody test results are positive to move more freely than others.
The study, which included 37 patients who showed symptoms and 37 patients without symptoms, found that levels of antibody decreased sharply in two to three months in more than 90% of those whose results were positive for a basic type of antibody produced by the body after the injury known as (IG). G). The average rate of decline was more than 70 percent for patients, with or without symptoms.
The study was conducted by researchers from Chongqing University Medical School, a branch of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and other institutions.
Commenting on the results of the study, Jin Dong-yan, a professor of virology at the University of Hong Kong, said this study did not rule out the possibility that other parts of the immune system could provide protection.
He added that some cells memorize how to deal with the virus when it first infects them, and they can sharpen effective protection methods if they are exposed to a second infection. Scientists are still investigating whether this mechanism works with the emerging corona virus.

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