Intestinal influenza symptoms, causes and treatment

Intestinal influenza symptoms, causes and treatment
The common name also has stomach flu or Stomach Flu, but the scientific name for it is gastroenteritis, which is an inflammation that affects the lining of the intestine due to a viral or bacterial infection or due to a type of intestinal parasites, and this disease often spreads due to Eat contaminated food or drinks.
Causes of intestinal influenza
The most common cause of gastroenteritis is infection with a type of virus, including rotavirus, which causes diarrhea, especially in children and infants, and norovirus, the most dangerous of them, as it causes serious complications in the intestine. Some bacteria can also cause intestinal influenza, such as E. coli and Salmonella.
Is intestinal infection infect?
The answer to this question is, of course, yes. One of the most common causes of gastroenteritis is its transmission from an infected person to another, so you can become infected if:
Your direct interaction with someone who has this type of virus or bacteria.
Eat contaminated food or drinks.
Not washing your hands well after using the bathroom or some changing your child's diaper.
Symptoms of the gastroenteritis
The duration of symptoms appears depending on the cause of the injury, and these symptoms are:
Diarrhea (when the stools are very light and fluid, but not bloody).
Feeling pain and cramps in the abdomen.
Feeling sick, vomiting, or both.
Simple fever.
Sometimes you may feel headache and muscle pain.
When will the symptoms of gastroenteritis go away?
Symptoms may appear within 1 to 3 days of your infection, and the severity of symptoms varies from person to person and usually symptoms persist for a day or two, but it can also last up to 10 days depending on the severity of the condition and the cause of the injury.
Complications of gastroenteritis
This disease can cause more serious complications if you neglect and not seek help, because the bacteria, viruses, or parasites that cause them may cause other risks, such as:
Dehydration and imbalance of salts in the body (which is the most common risk).
The incidence of uremic hemolytic syndrome, a rare condition with which hemolytic anemia, acute kidney injuries and platelet deficiency occur, and this condition occurs more in children.
Complications that occur as a reaction in other organs as a result of infection with some bacteria, such as Salmonella. Inflammation of the joints, urticaria, and conjunctivitis may occur.
Guillain-Barre syndrome, which is caused by some viruses such as CMV infection.
Secondary lactose sensitivity.
Poor absorption of certain medications, such as birth control pills, may occur.
But these complications do not happen to everyone, the most vulnerable people are infants, children and people with immune deficiency.
Treatment of gastroenteritis
First, dehydration should be prevented by consuming too much fluid to compensate for what the body lost with diarrhea, and in some cases it may require suspension of an anti-dehydration solution for the patient.
If you are wondering about treating gastroenteritis with medication, your doctor can prescribe antibiotics for you if the cause of infection is a bacterium, and it may prescribe medications against parasites if they are the cause of infection
You should totally avoid medications that stop diarrhea or vomiting if your doctor does not prescribe them, because these medications work to stay the cause of the infection inside your body that usually comes out with diarrhea or vomiting.
Prevention of gastroenteritis
This disease can be avoided very easily only by following some healthy habits, such as:
Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after entering the bathroom, after using tissue paper, after changing your baby's diapers, and of course after dealing with animals.
Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before eating or preparing food.
Dry your hands in disposable towels after using once, as they are healthier than cotton towels because germs live more on the things you use.
Do not use the same kitchen utensils with all types of food (for example, assign a knife to cut raw meat and another knife to cut vegetables and fruits) so that bacteria and parasites do not spread between foods.
Keep your kitchen surfaces clean and dry.
Keep foods that need to cool at a lower temperature, and foods that need to be heated at a high temperature to avoid bacteria growing inside.
Clean and disinfect your bathroom regularly, especially the toilet base and knobs.
To prevent gastroenteritis when traveling, take these precautions:
Drink water and wash your teeth only from the bottles that are sold in the supermarket, and do not drink from tap water.
Avoid dirty restaurants and restaurants serving open tables.
Do not eat undercooked foods, peeled vegetables and fruits.
If you are not completely sure of the cleanliness of the place you go to, buy food products yourself and bring them to your place of residence to ensure their safety.
Finally, keeping yourself and your family from gastroenteritis is not difficult, and in the event that you or your child appears to have any of the danger signs that we mentioned earlier, never hesitate to go to an emergency until you avoid any possible complications

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